OIDC Authentication
Capsule does not care about the authentication strategy used in the cluster and all the Kubernetes methods of authentication are supported. The only requirement to use Capsule is to assign tenant users to the group defined by userGroups
option in the CapsuleConfiguration
, which defaults to capsule.clastix.io
In the following guide, we'll use Keycloak an Open Source Identity and Access Management server capable to authenticate users via OIDC and release JWT tokens as proof of authentication.
Configuring OIDC Server
Configure Keycloak as OIDC server:
- Add a realm called
, or use any existing realm instead - Add a group
- Add a user
assigned to groupcapsule.clastix.io
- Add an OIDC client called
- For the
client, create protocol mappers calledgroups
If everything is done correctly, now you should be able to authenticate in Keycloak and see user groups in JWT tokens. Use the following snippet to authenticate in Keycloak as alice
$ KEYCLOAK=sso.clastix.io
$ REALM=caas
$ OIDC_ISSUER=${KEYCLOAK}/auth/realms/${REALM}
$ curl -k -s https://${OIDC_ISSUER}/protocol/openid-connect/token \
-d grant_type=password \
-d response_type=id_token \
-d scope=openid \
-d client_id=${OIDC_CLIENT_ID} \
-d client_secret=${OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET} \
-d username=${USERNAME} \
-d password=${PASSWORD} | jq
The result will include an ACCESS_TOKEN
, and an ID_TOKEN
. The access-token can generally be disregarded for Kubernetes. It would be used if the identity provider was managing roles and permissions for the users but that is done in Kubernetes itself with RBAC. The id-token is short lived while the refresh-token has longer expiration. The refresh-token is used to fetch a new id-token when the id-token expires.
"id_token": "ID_TOKEN",
"scope": "openid groups profile email"
To introspect the ID_TOKEN
token run:
$ curl -k -s https://${OIDC_ISSUER}/protocol/openid-connect/introspect \
-d token=${ID_TOKEN} \
The result will be like the following:
"exp": 1601323086,
"iat": 1601322186,
"aud": "kubernetes",
"typ": "ID",
"azp": "kubernetes",
"preferred_username": "alice",
"email_verified": false,
"acr": "1",
"groups": [
"client_id": "kubernetes",
"username": "alice",
"active": true
Configuring Kubernetes API Server
Configuring Kubernetes for OIDC Authentication requires adding several parameters to the API Server. Please, refer to the documentation for details and examples. Most likely, your kube-apiserver.yaml
manifest will looks like the following:
- command:
- kube-apiserver
- --oidc-issuer-url=https://${OIDC_ISSUER}
- --oidc-ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/oidc/ca.crt
- --oidc-client-id=${OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET}
- --oidc-username-claim=preferred_username
- --oidc-groups-claim=groups
- --oidc-username-prefix=-
Configuring kubectl
There are two options to use kubectl
with OIDC:
- OIDC Authenticator
- Use the
To use the OIDC Authenticator, add an oidc
user entry to your kubeconfig
$ kubectl config set-credentials oidc \
--auth-provider=oidc \
--auth-provider-arg=idp-issuer-url=https://${OIDC_ISSUER} \
--auth-provider-arg=idp-certificate-authority=/path/to/ca.crt \
--auth-provider-arg=client-id=${OIDC_CLIENT_ID} \
--auth-provider-arg=client-secret=${OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET} \
--auth-provider-arg=refresh-token=${REFRESH_TOKEN} \
--auth-provider-arg=id-token=${ID_TOKEN} \
To use the --token
$ kubectl config set-credentials oidc --token=${ID_TOKEN}
Point the kubectl
to the URL where the Kubernetes APIs Server is reachable:
$ kubectl config set-cluster mycluster \
--server=https://kube.clastix.io:6443 \
If your APIs Server is reachable through the
, make sure to use the URL of thecapsule-proxy
Create a new context for the OIDC authenticated users:
$ kubectl config set-context alice-oidc@mycluster \
--cluster=mycluster \
As user alice
, you should be able to use kubectl
to create some namespaces:
$ kubectl --context alice-oidc@mycluster create namespace oil-production
$ kubectl --context alice-oidc@mycluster create namespace oil-development
$ kubectl --context alice-oidc@mycluster create namespace gas-marketing
Warning: once your
expires, thekubectl
OIDC Authenticator will attempt to refresh automatically yourID_TOKEN
. In case the OIDC uses a self signed CA certificate, make sure to specify it with theidp-certificate-authority
option in yourkubeconfig
file, otherwise you'll not able to refresh the tokens.