Configure OIDC authentication with Keycloak


  • Keycloak realm for Rancher
  • Rancher OIDC authentication provider

Keycloak realm for Rancher

These instructions is specific to a setup made with Keycloak as an OIDC identity provider.


  • Add to userinfo Group Membership type, claim name groups
  • Add to userinfo Audience type, claim name client audience
  • Add to userinfo, full group path, Group Membership type, claim name full_group_path

More on this on the official guide.

Rancher OIDC authentication provider

Configure an OIDC authentication provider, with Client with issuer, return URLs specific to the Keycloak setup.

Use old and Rancher-standard paths with /auth subpath (see issues below).

Add custom paths, remove /auth subpath in return and issuer URLs.


Configure Tenant users

  1. In Rancher, configure OIDC authentication with Keycloak to use with Rancher.
  2. In Keycloak, Create a Group in the rancher Realm:
  3. In Keycloak, Create a User in the rancher Realm, member of Group.
  4. In the Kubernetes target cluster, update the CapsuleConfiguration by adding the "keycloakoidc_group://" Kubernetes Group.
  5. Login to Rancher with Keycloak with the new user.
  6. In Rancher as an administrator, set the user custom role with get of Cluster.
  7. In Rancher as an administrator, add the Rancher user ID of the just-logged in user as Owner of a Tenant.
  8. (optional) configure proxySettings for the Tenant to enable tenant users to access cluster-wide resources.